Kat recognized as one of the most influential women in accounting 2019 by The San Diego Business Journal

most influential women in accounting 2019

In 2012, Kat Pephens founded Books Balanced and Beyond LLC.
After fnding its frst client (a prominent landscape architectural frm),
its client list has grown to over 95 small to medium sized businesses
located throughout California. Kat has more than twenty years’
experience in leadership roles, providing strategic direction and
tactical execution covering most areas of business including Finance,
Accounting, Operations, HR, and IT. Kat along with her business partner
Todd (Lindbergh) have assisted numerous small businesses to become signifcantly more sophisticated in their financial management. Kat is active in the Society of Design Administrators of San Diego and a proud veteran of the US Navy.

The San Diego Business Journal, September 30, 2019